Yesterday, a friend was complaining about a series of boring blind dates she’d just been on (yeah right, Tinder). It struck me that she (understandably) lost sight of the goal. But in her frustration, she blamed all the men. I told her that she herself was a part of it and that she could have better dates if she changed a few things about herself.
Today is your lucky day, because I’m sharing these tips with you here. Here’s how to make your blind date fun:
1. Discard all expectations.
The quickest way to ruin a blind date is to come in expecting to meet Bradley Cooper, and then feel nothing but disappointment when he’s not. Even if you had a great two-hour phone conversation and the online profile was “written just for you,” don’t expect Mr. Perfect. Because especially at first glance, no one can live up to that. Of course, you shouldn’t lower your expectations completely – but try not to have any expectations and just plan to get to know the person that evening!
2.Wear clothes you love.
It not only helps your confidence, but also your mood if you wear something you feel comfortable in and really attractive! Chances are, if you dress up, you’ll arrive at the date already in a really good mood and confident.
3. be open to the other person.
You can’t know everything about a person in the first five minutes, so don’t rush to judgment. Remember: chemistry can develop; people grow on you as you get to know them; and some people are usually always nervous on dates. As long as you’re not a total misanthrope, you can make friends with almost anyone and get something good out of the evening – no matter what happens afterward.
4. Be careful with too much alcohol.
Try to keep your clarity to really size up the person. You don’t want to realize after a month sober that you’re not attracted to the person, do you? Depending on how much you can tolerate, who’s driving, and whether or not you’re eating, three or four drinks is fine.
5. Leave your insecurities at home.
Think of it this way: your counterpart doesn’t know you (yet). You can embody whatever you want and focus completely on what you like best.
6.Make the evening fun.
Laughter is the best medicine – even on lousy dates. What’s funny about your date? If you and your date don’t have anything to laugh about, laugh with your friends later.
7. learn something new
If you don’t want to learn anything about your date, what can you alternatively learn from him to make the most of the evening? Can you get an investment tip? Insights from the industry? Maybe your date can mirror your outside perception to you, too.
8. Get up and do something.
If you’re dealing with a lot of awkward silence, try not to just sit there and stare. Get up and do something you enjoy: pick songs from the jukebox, shoot pool, get ice cream, or go for a walk. If you’re eating, it’s best to finish your meal quickly.
If you forget all these tips in your excitement, just remember: have no expectations and be open-minded. Dates without expectations can’t go bad – and if they do, just go home.